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Expand your musical Vision
Ebenezer Music School promotes spiritual growth through music and offers top-notch education for all who love music. We welcome students of any background to join us in realizing their musical dreams.
에벤에셀 음악학교는 음악을 통해 영적 성장을 도모하며 음악을 사랑하는 모든 사람에게 최상의 교육을 제공합니다. 저희는 학생들이 음악적 꿈을 실현할 수 있도록 모든 배경을 가진 학생들을 환영합니다.
Our Services
Seung-ah Kim
Jungeun Noh
Juneho Josh Kim
Violin/Viola Instructor
String Chair
Violin/Viola Instructor
Cello Instructor
Dasom Kwon
Piano Instructor
Minjun Jo
Item Title
Euna Choi
Donghan Park
Saxophone/Clarinet Instructor
Flute/Piccolo Instructor
Piano Instructor
Trumpet Instructor
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